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About us

The State Planning Insitute for Land Management, successor of the institutions "Kolhozvinsadproiect" and "Moldghiprozem", founded in the intensification of agriculture and the acute need to implement a complex organizational system, had the task of forming a sustainable basis both for the regulation of land ownership and organization of the territory, and for the development of integral management system and effective monitoring of the territory of Moldova.

Over the years, the Institute has succeeded to implement programs of state and district importance, intended to meet the challenges facing rural areas, in particular, thus occupying the leadership position on land market in Moldova on state regulation of land ownership regime, cadastre and land monitoring.

Successful work of the Institute is based on three pillars. First and most importantly it's experience of more than 50 years and safety in quality of performed services, the second one - is professional capability enhanced through strong team and advanced equipment, and the third pillar is the wide range of services at a reasonable price.

Today, The State Planning Institute for Land Management is a quality mark and can become your trusted partner for tomorrow.


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